wdka graphic design - term 1.3
// mapping the user
// mapping the collection
// exploring interfaces
// designing & prototyping
// interaction station
// publication station
// design proposal(s)
// user group & collection
// final interface
// reflection on user testing
// weekly questions
// interaction station
cristian preda
// april 5th
during this session, we found out information about neural networking, and were shown different works that utilize this type of AI. for a starting exercise, preparing us for work with the arduino microcontroller, we trained an AI to recognize between two different types of audio: it could be two words/phrases or sounds.
// april 12th
today, we trained the arduino microcontroller to detect and recognize motion. we collected data through the arduino itself, and made it distinguish between different gestures. based on this class, my partner & i wanted to try a motion/location based interface for our final assignment.
(below) DALLĀ·E, AI that creates photos/art based on text descriptions
(left, above) process of collecting motion data through arduino
(above) notes from the session
(above) notes from the session