wdka graphic design - term 1.3
// mapping the user
// mapping the collection
// exploring interfaces
// designing & prototyping
// interaction station
// publication station
// design proposal(s)
// user group & collection
// final interface
// reflection on user testing
// weekly questions
// reflection on user testing
cristian preda
// how did testing go?
we conducted two types of testing: one on the objects, to see if they are easily recognizable and easily associated to the emotions they represent, and one on the actual website, to see how users interact with it.

the people who tested the objects very easily recognized happiness (yellow, fluffy ball) and sadness (blue, glassy ball), easily recognized anger (red, tough ball) and fear (green, spiky ball) and had a bit of trouble recognizing surprise (orange, irregular ball) and disgust (purple, clay ball). we concluded that because surprise and disgust are more subjective and "rare" emotions, they were recognized less easily than more common emotions such as happiness.
as far as the website testing is concerned, we tested multiple versions of the website. from an unfinished, non-designed draft, to a more finalized version, most users prefered taking an exploratory approach: showing each ball to the camera and seeing where it leads them. based on feedback we received from both fellow students (our user group) and tutors, we made some improvements on the website to make it more installation-like and minimalistic/abstract. such adjustments were removing all text from the website itself and implementing an icon on the camera homepage which would instruct users to hold the ball to the camera.
fig. 1
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 3
fig. 4
fig. 5
fig. 6
(fig. 1-3) user testing the objects
(fig. 4) user testing the website
(fig. 5,6) user testing the website, loophole found. if presented with a round colored object/sample of the texture used for the balls, the website would recognize it as a certain emotion